Link London
Link London, a London Intelligence service, lists community organisations campaigning to save their homes, streets, neighbourhoods and communities from destruction by ‘regeneration’ developers and collusive local politicians.
Justice 4 Grenfell
A community led organisation, focused on the long-term goal of obtaining justice for the bereaved families, survivors, evacuated residents and the wider local community following the Grenfell Tower fire disaster of 14 June 2017. J4G engages with the public inquiry into the fire and organises monthly silent walks on the 14th of each month from Kensington Town Hall to the Grenfell Memorial Wall.
35% Campaign
The 35% Campaign was set up as a result of Southwark Council/Lendlease’s Heygate Estate regeneration and numerous subsequent developments that failed to meet Southwark Council’s minimum policy requirement of 35% affordable housing.
Stop HDV
A broad coalition of grassroots opposition to the Haringey Development Vehicle that grew from January 2017 motivated by the discovery that Haringey Council’s New Labour leadership planned to transfer whole council and industrial estates and council-run publicly owned assets to a private partnership with Lendlease – the same Australian-based multi-national active in Southwark in vastly reducing social housing in favour of new high rent and for sale properties, unaffordable to local residents.
Wards Corner Community Coalition
The Wards Corner Community Coalition is a grassroots organisation working to stop the demolition of the homes, businesses and indoor market above Seven Sisters tube station. Active since 2007 the WCC has been working to empower the community in Seven Sisters to take control of its future and determine how Wards Corner should be developed.
Focus E15
Focus E15 have occupied disused block of flats on the nearly empty Carpenters Estate in Stratford, east London, as a protest against a lack of affordable housing. People are being forced to move out of London while thousands of perfectly good social housing units sit empty. The Focus E15 campaign was born in September 2013 when a group of young mothers were served eviction notices by East Thames Housing Association after Newham Council cut its funding to the Focus E15 hostel for young homeless people.
West Kensington and Gibbs Green
Residents of West Kensington and Gibbs Green estates been campaigning since 2009 to save their homes from being demolished in a £12 billion Capco scheme that would replace a much loved and used piece of London with thousands of luxury flats. 80% of these would be sold at market prices with one bed flats starting at £600,000. Only 10% will be so-called affordable housing – and even these will not be affordable as they would be sold or let at 65% of market value.
The local council – Hammersmith & Fulham – made a deal with developer Capco to destroy the two estates, as well as the Lillie Bidge Depot, the main engineering facility for London Underground, and the Earl’s Court exhibition centres.
Save Cressingham Gardens
A campaign by residents to save Cressingham Gardens from demolition by Lambeth Council that would break up a settled and tight-knit community. This high density, low rise estate with a corresponding low crime rate was built in the late 1970’s by the renowned Ted Hollamby, a leading architect in Lambeth of the 1970’s. Catherine Croft, director of the Twentieth Century society describes Cressingham Gardens as “human centred, gentle and beautifully detailed” and that it represents “good sensible housing in the way housing should be built…it would be an enormous pity to lose Cressingham Gardens as it stands”.
Elephant Amenity Network
The Elephant Amenity Network calls on Southwark Council – and its development partners – to operate an “open masterplan” policy where the development process is democratic and actively involves the local community. The Network wants the benefits of regeneration to be extended to the existing population. The Network wants 50% of all Elephant & Castle housing developments to be social rented by unit.
Just Space
Just Space, an informal alliance of community groups, campaigns and independent organisations formed in 2006 to provide a grassroots influence on London Mayoral plans for the entire city. The network aims to ‘improve public participation in planning to ensure that policy is fairer to towards communities in a system dominated by the interests of developers’.
Architects for Social Housing
Architects for Social Housing (ASH), set up in March 2015, organises architects, urban designers, engineers, surveyors, planners, film-makers, photographers, web-designers, map-makers, artists, writers and housing campaigners to offer support, advice and expertise to residents who feel their interests and voices are increasingly marginalised by local councils or housing associations during so-called council estate ‘regeneration’ processes.
Our City.London
Investigations into London’s property and planning industries, illuminating decisions that affect London’s communities.
London SE1
The London SE1 community website, published since 1998, provides local news and information.
National Union of Journalists
Organisation representing journalists across the UK.
Black Members Council (NUJ)
The BMC monitors discrimination in employment practices in the media industry and works with NUJ members in chapels and branches to promote anti-racism.
London Freelance Branch (NUJ)
The London Freelance Branch is the National Union of Journalists’ largest grouping, representing around 3,000 members, including reporters, photographers, sub-editors, designers, and all other kinds of journalist.
Private Eye
A long-running news and current affairs magazine, edited by Ian Hislop.